By J - 11/02/2009 07:14 - United States

Today, at lunch I ordered a coke. The waiter replied "diet coke?" and I corrected him saying, "No, regular coke." He shook his head and said again, "diet coke." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 183
You deserved it 8 853

Same thing different taste

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redrovaa 0

How can it be made from sugar, but not be sugar. Do they add something that unsugars the sugar or some shit?

Aaaaaaand there goes his tip. I can understand if they ask "Diet?" to clarify which kind of coke, but repeating it is just effing rude.


greatbelow 0

you should wait for that guy in the parking lot...he should pay for what he said.

Aaaaaaand there goes his tip. I can understand if they ask "Diet?" to clarify which kind of coke, but repeating it is just effing rude.

Yeah because after OP said "regular coke" the waiter actually shook his head and changed OP's order. Surely he's not allowed to do that?

Not only that, someone could be allergic to something that's in the diet that isn't in regular. (Aspartame or something)

lemonkid44 0

maybe they were out of regular coke? did he speak english well? he might not have known better

I'm imagining the Spanish cleaning lady in Family Guy: Nonononono, Señor.... Diet Coke for you.

ToastedOats 0

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When he says "Diet coke?", say "No, peruvian"

quiksta 0

break his neck, steven segal style

FlickMyBean 0

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