By medosin - 21/05/2012 12:10 - Austria

Today, I went into Whole Foods asking if they carried a supplement called Carnosine. The girl assisting me had no idea what it was, but asked, "Is this for weight loss?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 334
You deserved it 4 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well it seems like she wasn't trying to be mean, but she shouldn't assume. Maybe alot of people come in for weight loss pills?

you shoulda just been like "yeah, I bet you know all about that", then walked off with yo diva self.


perdix 29

I'm sure any supplement named after Carnie Wilson has to do with weight loss. Don't worry, I think your body is beautiful ;)

Looks like perdix is trying to get his followers back, haha. ;)

Okay that's not that bad, naturally if someone doesn't know a supplement they're going to assume its for weight loss, since this is what our society is so focused on. So this is not a knock on OP the clerk was merely asking a question trying to help OP find her supplement.

freemantrisha 0

Just because u work at a grocery store or whatever doesnt mean u know where or what EVERYTHING is!!

But you do have to know where it is in order to help your customers.

To be fair that could easily be confused with Carnitine to somebody... Just because she works at a store doesn't mean they know every product in there, you have to learn as you go. Hell I work in a pharmacy and new things are brought in so often I don't see them until someone asks "Hey do you have VitaMints?" and I'm like "huh?"

mrlopez 13

After all the responses here, nobody has actually asked what Carnosine is? I feel lonely...

dreamer9614 3

Expect it's not a supplement..... I assume OP is talking about carnitine or carnitor, which actually exisist.

Dreamer9614... Seriously google it, and quit commenting wrong information..

jayfreeman80 0

Your bad - you could have let her know what it is used for & she would not embarrass another customer - YOU DESERVED IT

My bad what? My bad habit of telling people off? My bad habit of smoking? My bad habit of masturbating in front of a fan? Damn it, tell us! Your bad what? I'm dying of suspense here!

hateevryone 14

You can't blame her, she didn't know.

I think everyone is missing the point... The OP wasn't saying that the girl was stupid for saying that, but that she suggested that OP wants to take weight loss pills.

The clerk asking inferred that OP could use a little weight loss. OP is located in Austria, and in Europe they have a very different outlook on overweight people than in the US. Sounds to me like OP deserved it and should have expected inquiries like that one from someone who has no idea what the supplement was used for. In my experience its not considered as taboo in Europe to point out when someone is fat. Being thin myself I've never had the comments directed towards me, but I work in London a lot and I hear others remark often.

FYI, it's implied, not inferred. OP inferred that the clerk was implying he needed to lose weight.