By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 01:10 - United States

Today, I went on a blind date that my best friend had set up for me. When I arrived, I introduced myself and we sat at the table. After we ordered our food, he asked the waiter for some crayons and a kid's menu, and colored for the half hour before our food came. He didn't talk to me at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 511
You deserved it 4 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pocahontas888 2

I don't see how this is necessarily a bad thing....

marshmallowmouse 0

How about starting a conversation next time - it doesn't always have to be the guy who chats YOU up, you know...


CaptainBlake 0

Are all of your best friend's practical jokes this good?

KingRDZ 0


OK..... so you went one one bad date with an idiot.... dont fyl yet. Bad dates and idiots happen. Just slap your friend next time you see her and tell her wtf happened. BTW, her rights to ever set you up again.... revoke them. NOW.

Mest_Is_Wicked 0

... You don't even know what the kid looks like...

lostdreams0 0
tacoman007 2

autistic six year olds should not date for this very reason.

vampires769 0

oh wow... that sucks! I would have left b4 the food came

Maybe he was expecting you to colour with him, noob.