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Can it, Susan

By unsuccessful popping - 18/06/2015 20:09 - United States - Tappan

Today, a woman bitched me out at the grocery store, saying that since I'm not Indian, I shouldn't be wearing a bindi - a red dot on my forehead - because it's "cultural appropriation". I was too embarrassed to tell her it was actually a pimple I'd been trying to pop on my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 550
You deserved it 2 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if it was a bindi- who's she to assume you don't identify with that culture based on your looks alone? There's a thousand possible extenuating circumstances that could have given you justification to wear a bindi.

Don't try to pop it, despite how embarrassing it may be. Wait until there's white on it and then try. If you don't, the pimple will just get worse. I know the struggle, OP. Good luck!


DaEpicTaco 13

Wow man I know the struggle

if only op corrected them, all the embarrassment would have fallen on her for ranting with no reason

This lady was just looking for anything to ruin OP's day.

Agree with #71. Yeah. There's no reason why a person who is not of Indian origin shouldn't wear a bindi. That person was just insensitive and aggressive and OP became the innocent victim here.

is it really that big of a deal for some people?

This is a bit of an over exaggeration but yes cultural appropriation is a big deal.

#9: Culture isn't strictly defined, and "cultural appropriation" is just another prejudice. People can be whatever they want, and belong to whatever culture they wish.

I agree to a certain extent. I think imitating someone's culture without giving credit where it's due is a bit annoying.

Though* just adding that to the end of the last comment

To be honest, now a days wearing a bindi is used in just everyday life. I think it's ridiculous that people make such a big deal out of it. To me that's like saying that non Christians can't wear a long white dress because it looks too similar to a wedding dress. I really don't understand how wearing a bindi is offensive. No one is making fun of the culture, they're merely wearing what they think looks pretty. Also, I've seen a lot of people use it for non cultural reasons (such as coachella and music festivals). By the way I'm Indian and I really don't care who wears it. And frankly, I find it funny how I'm not at all involved in my culture (born and raised in America) and its acceptable for me to wear a bindi even though the only thing that really differentiates me from an American (or really anywhere outside of India/Middle East) is my skin color

The new fashion craze for girls now is to wear the traditional Indian bindi on their forehead. What next, moustaches?

@16 The bindi thing wrItten about here was blown out of proportion. Sue me but I think it's a big deal when the God you and your people have worshipped for centuries ends up on some t shirt at urban outfitters. That's what I mean by cultural appropriation. I'm not Hindu, but seeing Hindu Gods and Goddesses on the back pockets of a pair of hipster shorts have unnerved a lot of my Hindu friends and they do have grounds to be angry about something like that.

No offence Ppl I was just trying to crack a joke.

It's their fault if they believe in things that don't exist

#66 you're joke is not funny, not even slightly...ehh

Excuse us for being girls. Please go accuse someone who did something they have control over.

We need more people like #46 in the world. Just saying.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

If we didn't combine cultures, what would our world be like? Why is it that it is now shameful to have a different culture if you are not from the area that culture happens to have come from?

What about people stop obsessing about cultural appropriation and go for cultural integration instead?

Don't try to pop it, despite how embarrassing it may be. Wait until there's white on it and then try. If you don't, the pimple will just get worse. I know the struggle, OP. Good luck!

Even if it was a bindi- who's she to assume you don't identify with that culture based on your looks alone? There's a thousand possible extenuating circumstances that could have given you justification to wear a bindi.

Heart: Right place. Head: Lodged in lower intestine.

I agree. For one thing, bindis aren't worn just by Indian women, they're primarily worn by women in the entire Southern Asia region. Two, not one culture or one religion is associated with wearing bindis. Yes, it's primarily associated with Hinduism, but the reasons for wearing one aren't strictly religious. Also, I'm a belly dancer and also do some Bollywood and Bhangra dancing, so I wear bindis for that. The lady who bitched OP out is just stupid.

I am wondering if she was Indian being offended, or if she was just pointing that out for little valid reason

I'm Indian. And I wouldn't be offended. Also her reason isn't valid. Anyone can wear as many bindis as they like. Make the most of dressing up your pimple, OP!


Some ppl just have nothing else to do but ruin someone else's day, i feel bad OP that u had to encounter one.

A pimple that could start a religious war

katydid91 31

Why do people feel the need to insert themselves in other people's business? Even it was a bindi, who's she to say whether or not you should have one