By datingfail - 14/08/2016 12:06 - Australia - Northcote

Today, I went on a date with a guy who told me his main aim in life is to live alone in an isolated lighthouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 828
You deserved it 1 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's good to have goals haha Sometimes in this day and age I wouldn't mind something like this too actually (not quite this extreme though)


dragoongirl90 34

Are you sure he didn't mean with a family?

notabanana 8

you should date me OP ;) I only want to live in a populated lighthouse..

You literally went on a date with Stanley Hudson from the office

ashbee11790 8

Maybe he's hoping Hagrid will show up and tell him he's a wizard.

I could see the appeal in that honestly.

Why the hell is he going on a date, then?