By Anonymous - 26/09/2009 14:24 - United States

Today, I went on my first date in nearly a year. A few minutes into the meal, he called me "scrumptious" and made animal noises for the rest of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 167
You deserved it 3 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must be pretty hot if you can spontaneously turn a guy into an animal.

Of course it is possible he just always makes animal noises and it has nothing to do with you. It's also possible he was really talking to his food when he said it was "scrumptious". You might be giving yourself way too much credit here.


Haha!! I didn't think people really did that!

Haha that's real attractive, the animal noises didn't turn you on? -crosses that off my list-

kaittt17 0

I luv ferraricake's comment :))))

ithedarkone 0

lol Wow. Well... hmm... Idk why he was doing that i mean i wouldn't do that. If i found that you were really looking attractive that night i would just give you a compliment. Ex you look very pretty tonight i cant keep my eyes of you. Or something like wow you have the cutest smile. Something simple to make a girl feel good about her self and start blushing. Instead of making chimpanzee noises at you... Could of waited for like when you guys are having intercourse and your doing a kinky jungle theme called Jungle Fever Thursday or something lol... and you guys dress in Lil kinky outfits. but even that sound kind of weird 0_o

Sounds like it was a "ruff" date. I think you should try to find someone "mew". Make sure he isn't "cheep" either. LAWLPUNS!

I wasn't supposed to be funny, darnit! Yes, I'm aware of sarcasm.

Maybe he just has IBS, and those animal noises are actually his bowels crying out in anguish at the food you're eating. Either way, he's clearly a catch!


How can you agree with #7 when ur #2??

Sun_Kissed18 25

Its a stupid trend where people agree with future posts to seem cool