By Anonymous - 26/09/2009 14:24 - United States

Today, I went on my first date in nearly a year. A few minutes into the meal, he called me "scrumptious" and made animal noises for the rest of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 167
You deserved it 3 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must be pretty hot if you can spontaneously turn a guy into an animal.

Of course it is possible he just always makes animal noises and it has nothing to do with you. It's also possible he was really talking to his food when he said it was "scrumptious". You might be giving yourself way too much credit here.


Time to cue "Ain't nothing but mammals" by the Bloodhound Gang, I think.

fckaduck 0

"The Bad Touch" by the Bloodhound Gang Sorry, had to fix that... OP, at least you're scrumptious? Can't be but so bad.

Thanks for that actually, I'd forgotten what the right name was.

How beary odd of him. What a pig. Time to mooove on. He ain't nothin but a hound dog. don't worry, there are other fish in the sea. I'm sure there are plenty of other guys just lion around. Hope the next one isn't such a pussy. .. and so on.

Even if that wasn't supposed to be funny, and just an attempt at lame puns intended to be lame I want the 3 seconds it took for me to read that back. ******* stupid.

CheshireHalli 19

I want the brainpower it took to decipher your comment back.

Haha... you got animal names, I got animal sounds. I think we're done here.

Well considering it was in plain English, it's obvious that there isn't much brain power there to begin with. So I apologize for contributing to your idiocy.

Hahaha. Yes it was supposed to be hilarious. ... no, it wasn't. Are you retarded? And I think I will keep those 3 seconds, since you are an ass. ... oops, was that another pun there? Sorry. I'll keep those seconds too. Damn your life sucks.

I am not in fact retarded, but thank you for asking. It's a good thing I have somewhat of a life or I might have been offended. If you could not understand my comment, then perhaps you need to go back to school and learn the language a little better. Unless of course you are American, in which case it makes perfect sense that you are so ignorant that you don't understand 'your' language. Ass... Hilarious. You tool.

You're not? Are you sure? Cause I'm fairly certain that as long as I keep responding to you you're going to keep taking it seriously and look like a fool. Maybe this is news to you, I don't know. You're getting worked up, I'm just entertained.

I'm not worked up at all as a matter of fact. This is entertainment to me also. I do however think you are ignorant though.

trakus 0

Animal sounds huh....lets do a recap of the nights interactions shall we. "I gotta tell you, you are so scrumptious." "Aww. Why thank you." "MOOOOO....MEOWWWWWW....BARK BARK BARK SCREEEEECH..........QUACK" "You're a pig!!" "OINK!" Sorry, I'm enjoying myself a little too much.

LOL! And when the waiter asked for their orders... Weird-Animal-Guy: I'm a vegetarian!

godyourethick 0
ninjafortmaker 0

that person is awesome. i see nothing wrong with this. this should go in MLIG oreven better MLIA.

Don't ruin that song for me, OP. I must forget this FML