By Kaboom - 21/04/2009 12:52 - Canada

Today, I went out for a smoke break. A homeless person walks up to me and asks for a cig. As I pull out my pack he says "Oh... Menthols... no I don't smoke that cheap shit". I was called cheap by a hobo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 670
You deserved it 19 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! btw, i smoke menthols too, i like the way they clear my nose.


lol @ smokers trying to defend themselves from "smoker-haters". Truth is, we don't really give a shit, but we'll be laughing when you get cancer from it, that's all.

#15 Just because a homeless person rejects a menthol cigarette doesn't mean this is fake or that the guy isn't homeless. I've had lots of homeless people suddenly get picky about food. Just because they're homeless doesn't mean they can't have standards! The homeless guy probably got a regular cig 5 minutes later.

i dont smoke cigs but i ******* hate people who think that smokers are terrible people and deserve cancer and shit. (granted enough use could give them cancer) the ******* tax hike on tobacco is ridiculous, they don't tax shit that is similarly harmful such as twinkies and booze. newports are the cheapest cigs and theyre menthols...called calamari where im from but i dont really support that. anyway chill out on people for smoking, they don't need your smug ******* attitude.

A non-smoker... Who doesn't bitch about smokers... on... the internet?! You, sir, deserve a medal. Or at least a good guy greg meme for people like you.

piderman13 0

(: #6 hahaha!!! and just once more: smoking sucks!

WickedClownMCL 1

First of all, get a life. You look 20 years old and yoir probablythe broke little bitch living of your mommies prostitue money, shut the **** up, your annoying the hell out of everybody. Get a life. Dont waste it on stupid ass comments that no one listens to anyway ok?

238- put your tampon in. You should just hire someone to wring you neck and hang you on a ceiling fan, you heartless ****-ass.

Oh, and it looks like you spelled "your" wrong and the correct grammar is "you're." Dumbass

Doesnt matter if they deserve cancer or not. They'll most likely end up with it along with their family/close ppl to them, lulz. Actually, smokers are heroes. They are literally giving away their lifes for the good of the country. Yay for taxes

#24 the difference between twinkies or beer and Cigarettes is that if a guy next to you is eating a twinkie your arteries are not going to suffer, or if someone is drinking a beer at a table across from you, your liver isn't going to hurt. like if you are walking by a smoker or at a restaurant that has people smoking the second hand smoke impacts your lungs. I won't even get into your racist comment.

TheCurlyTheory 0
WickedClownMCL 1

There was no rasict comment jackass. He said from where hes from, Bewports are called something else. Glasses?

betterthanthou 0

#28, quit driving your car. I am tired of breathing the exhaust fumes from your driving. Seriously, how do you hypocritical morons manage to get out of bed in the morning?

28, thats true..i keep forgetting about the secondhand smoke cuz where i live you havent been allowed to smoke indoors in a few years. the money thing sucks for alot of my friends because in college its hard to pay 6 bucks for something that was 4

mm, i love menthols. camel and marlboro menthols are my favourites, :) and lmao that's happened to me, people always hate yummy menthols.