By Cheap N Happy - 17/02/2012 09:44 - United States

Today, I went out on a first date. He insisted we go to McDonald's and split a Happy Meal because he "didn't want to waste any money on a first date." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 700
You deserved it 4 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow how cheap can you be to split a happy meal and not a big mac meal?


Maybe he's on a diet. Happy meals are like 800 calories with all the soda refills.

He's oviously not getting a second date... Also a Happy Meal? You could both get a decent mean on the dollar menu for cheaper then the price of a Happy Meal.

linkinpark98 23

So..... Did it come with a toy?


What a pimp! My first dates usually ends at the abortion clinic...

yoyo2309 7

WOW!l i have nothing against him not wanting to be cheap but at a fast food store? really, that is a bit sad a picnic would have been better or a day at the beach there are lots of other things unless u like that kind of thing. next date u tell him where hes taking u

Yes.... *but* .... did he let you keep the toy?? That's how you know whether or not to go for the 2nd date. ;-)

YDI! Stop dating cheap asses and assholes and then complaining when they act cheap and like an ass!

Maybe he doesn't want to spend a ton of money for a girl that aint serious? Probly was a test :D. Anything's possible!