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By gnafron - 31/12/2013 11:30 - France - Grenoble

Today, I went outside at 9am in my boxer shorts to get my mail in my garden. I'd put a shoe in the door to keep the door jammed open, but when I ran back, my dog had the shoe in his mouth and all the doors and windows were closed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 416
You deserved it 146

Top comments

Hold on, just let me get that brick I have in the coat closet.

Bad dog! Hide a spare key somewhere in your garden for future incidents like this.


notapotato 12

Couldn't you have put a brick or something heavy?

Hold on, just let me get that brick I have in the coat closet.

Hang on let's go drag that anvil over here by the door... You know, just in case

Llama_Face89 33

**** why rish it? Just take the door off the hinges.

56 - yeah, just prop the door open with the door itself.

I agree with #1 actually. I never trust anything as lightweight and unreliable as a shoe to keep a door open. I always use something heavy and solid, and this is regardless of any pets. There are countless things that could go wrong there, and something more stable (i.e. a brick, the welcome mat, a flower pot, coat rack, or anything within arm's reach) is resilient to so many more of them. I guess it sounds a bit like OCD, but really it's just forward thinking. I always try to predict reasonable things that can go wrong and try and solve them preemptively and/or prevent them entirely.

Let me guess you live at a hotel so that means the door locked the second it closed.

OP needs to train that damn dog to get the mail for him. problem solved :P

#81 lots of home/apartment doors do that too... my door's outside knob doesn't turn, so you can never open it from the outside unless you have a key. There are advantages and disadvantages.

YoZesto 7

Take the door off the hinges? Are you crazy? It makes way more sense to leave the door there and just take the house with you. Common sense.

Hang on let me grab my coatrack and shove it in my door

colton_colton 50

How was he supposed to know that the dog would have done that?

No, the lesson learn is to put on some clothes!

Bad dog! Hide a spare key somewhere in your garden for future incidents like this.

StiffPvtParts 43

Bad dog? OP's dog was probably just trying to help out (._.)

or just unlock the door while you go out?

In his defense, some doors are not made to be opened without a key. Both the door to my house and the door to my apartment are locked by default. You need to either use a key or, if you're opening it from the inside, the handle to get the door to "unlock". Basically, 12 o'clock position of the key is default and is locked. You can turn your key counter-clockwise to 9, which unlocks it, allowing you to push the door open. To retrieve the key, it needs to be back at 12. You can push it closed, though. Basically, there are some doors which simply don't have a permanent "unlocked" status, only a temporary one. Those doors can't be opened without a key.

#69 exactly. A friend of mines apartment door is like that. It gets annoying at times.

XBurytheCastleX 25

That is great up until an obsessive ex girlfriend discovers this key.

ktiskool 18

Your dog must be plotting against you... they're very suspicious creatures, you know!

says the plottiest of plotters: the cat.

Its funny because your profile pic is a cat

iammeorami 25

The dogs are learning from the cats......

Don't listen to #3! She's the one plotting against you!

#3 is just trying to turn you against your dog, it's all part of the cats elaborate plotting!

Lol, That's like a classic problem you would see in a movie :P

In See Spot Run it happens :) so funny

It's his New Years resolution: become the Master.

In that case, OP should just rent a hotel room for a couple of days. We all know how quickly New Year's resolutions die out.

Couldn't you just leave it unlocked from the inside to avoid the need for a shoe to hold it open?

I'm guessing it was a door that automatically locks.

Finally someone suggested taking the key!

He was in his boxers where's he gonna put the key?

That may well be the case, though the only doors I've ever seen that lock automatically are hotel doors or school dormitory doors. Not your normal house or apartment front doors.

#45, There's someone in my small French town with a very modern home. It's a town of ugly stone buildings (they're okay actually but) and they happen to have a self-locking door. I wouldn't be surprised tbh, especially if this person is in a big French city.

Fair enough, I've never been to France so I didn't know those kinds of doors are more widely used there

Maybe they aren't widely used but it's a possibility.

My apartment door automatically closes and locks unless I pop out the handle lock. OP, why didn't you just either leave it unlocked or bring your key? Even if what I'm wearing doesn't have a pocket, I find a way to bring my key when I pop out of my apartment to throw the trash out or something.

Wouldn't it just be better if he brought the key with him?

Here in iceland if you close any door in any building it automatically locks unless you flip a swotch on the inside of the door. you have to simultaniously turn the deadbolt and the handle to open the door

cutiepie99 17

Here's a good solution maybe you should have just unlocked the door so your could shut it and re-lock it once you got back inside I mean that's just me but do what you please

You used your head, with the shoe he didn't ;) lol

#15 TXT language is forbidden on FML, just saying.

cutiepie99 17

I believe lol is TXT language so you just broke the rule you tried to Inforce

But you are right about unlocking the door.

Are you sure your dog isn't secretly a cat?

a cat probably would have been on the inside staring at him from a window