By Tara - 01/05/2011 00:19 - United States

Today, I went tanning for 15 min at my gym. When I got out no one was there, all of the lights were off, and the alarm started going off. Turns out the people working forgot about me, locked up, and left me there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 481
You deserved it 5 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess it's proof that fake baking is ridiculous

FMLandurstoo 9

you were so hot so the smoke detector went off


Daerauko 0

hell no not fyl. it's totally her fault for going in appearantly less than 15min to closing time. women need to stop going to tanning beds. moat are already hot. that and I find some tan lines a lil weird.

FMLandurstoo 9

you were so hot so the smoke detector went off

or possibly not attractive which is why they forgot about her

or so baked from tanning that they thought you were a monster and evacuated the gym

Ihatethesenames 0

"alright Tom let's close up" "wat about the girl in the tanning booth" "screw her lets go to mc donalds"

I guess it's proof that fake baking is ridiculous

thebestof1984 0

I would demand a free membership for life for the hassle you went thru!

if you had gotten a really dark tan you could have just closed your eyes and blended into the wall until you have an opportunity to leg it.

It would bring more excitement than walking to the door and raging at the security when they arrive. You can instead put your ninja skills to good use and hey, if you're caught, you have a plausible excuse.

enonymous 8

G T elude the cops in a thong.