By SOTS4335 - 16/05/2015 22:16 - United States - Maumelle
SOTS4335 tells us more.
OP here. Two of my sisters actually ended up beating the shit out of my now ex-girlfriend and moving me and my kids in with them. Kinda hard to defend yourself when you have muscular dystrophy and you spend most of your day in a wheelchair. But Thank GOD I'm done with that psycho-bitch. And **** those assholes at that therapy session.
Top comments
This group is terrible I'm so sorry you've had this experience. I hope you find a more competent group that will give you support.
I'm sorry you had to deal with those hypocrites, Hon.
That's so terrible. I am disgusted that anyone would ever do that. Abuse is abuse and no one should have to endure it, no matter your gender, sex, age, race, ethnicity, or class.
OP here. Two of my sisters actually ended up beating the shit out of my now ex-girlfriend and moving me and my kids in with them. Kinda hard to defend yourself when you have muscular dystrophy and you spend most of your day in a wheelchair. But Thank GOD I'm done with that psycho-bitch. And **** those assholes at that therapy session.
OP, I'm so thankful that the psychology bitch is out of your life. I wish you all the best. Healing will take time but it will happen. Ignore the ignorant ***** with their double standards. You were abused, and there is no shame in that. It can happen to anyone.
**** Yeah, now that is what family is for (: you and your kids are much better off now and I wish you the best for your future. I am sure you and them will find someone who appreciates you like they should.
Sorry to hear about what happened, but glad it's getting better Keep your head up OP :)
Even if you didn't have that, it's terrible to tell an abuse victim they should have fought back, that just makes it worse. I am glad you and you kids are away from her. I really hope that you and your kids will have a much better life now.
They laughed at a guy in a wheelchair? Did their minds even process the situation? So sorry OP
That is terrible, thankfully you and the kids are out of that situation. I hope there is a way you can complain to the place that runs the support group, that is not acceptable. Not all groups are like that and I hope if you decide to try another group, you get the support you deserve. I'm glad to hear you are doing better.
The toughest men get abused by women. The people at the support group shouldn't have laughed at you. That's completely wrong. I'm glad you're out of that relationship now.
What kind of assholes would respond that way? Glad your sibs are taking care of you.
It shouldn't matter if you're wheelchair bound or a navy seal, of course even putting your arms up could be harder for you. I'm glad you gave family who are looking after you though! Try and make a complaint. that sounds like a toxic environment, my guess is most were following a lead rather than that being how they actually felt.
Your sisters are awesome, but the fact that you are in a wheel chair and have a disability and they still laughed is such a douchie thing to do. I kind of want your sisters to go there and show them a little family medicine.
The fact that his girlfriend punched him is douchie enough as it is regardless of him being disabled or with an obnoxious and inconsiderate support group. Glad you got away, OP, no one deserves treatment like that...
Your sisters did the right thing giving her a taste of her own medicine. You should get a restraining order now, and make sure she doesn't get anywhere near your kids.
Wow...I was angry just reading the FML because of how you were treated. I am even more so to find that you are in a wheelchair. Who the hell punches a person in a wheelchair? Glad you have a support system and you got out of the abusive situation, As far as the double standard, abuse is abuse, regardless of the gender of the people involved. I hope you find someone to treat you with love and respect.
I have to say that I find it kind of amazing that there are quite a few people who are condemning the double standard of treatment for men being abused vs women, who are also implying that hitting someone in a wheelchair is worse than hitting someone who's not in a wheelchair. Hitting anyone, regardless of their gender, physical or mental capabilities, is equally wrong unless it's in self-defense. OP, you were in a shitty situation and when you went to a group of people for support and care, you received scorn and bitterness from women who, instead of identifying with you, probably enjoyed the idea of a woman "taking down" a man due to their own issues. Hopefully, part of the process of their healing will allow them to see how wrong their actions were. I'm sorry that when you reached out for help, you were met with more hurt, and I'm glad that you are in a better place.
It's more of the thought they have a harder time getting away or fighting back.
I would blast the group all over the place. A victims group that mocks a victim simply for being male? They shouldn't be allowed to continue.
It is worse, #301. He can't defend himself from physical abuse as well as someone without muscular dystrophy. There's a power imbalance and that makes the abuse worse because it's harder to get out of that situation.
Your sisters are awesome. Glad you were able to get outta there OP :)
Best of luck, OP. I'm glad you're away from her now. I wish you happiness.
I don't know if there's anyone you can report this "support group" to, but you should look into it. If it's run by a licensed therapist, you can complain to the American Psychiatric Association. These people need need a harsh, figurative beat down. The way you were treated is not acceptable and should be stopped before it happens to anyone else. This sort of behavior needs consequences.
So surprised people are taking the piss out of the group for laughing at a guy in a wheelchair. What about the girlfriend? She HIT a guy in a wheelchair.
You are a brave man for even going in the first place. I can't believe a support group would even react that way. I hope you can heal and find happiness. And love your sisters for being able to be there for you. You are strong
I couldn't say it better. So sorry people laughed when you reached out for help OP, luckily your sisters were there for you.
man up lol
he did go and give feedback about his situation. I would recommend you read it before going on a hateful rant about him needing to "man up" anyone can be a victim it dosent matter how strong or weak you are.
If you are a guy and you let a woman hit you then you are a yellow bellied coward who should just grow a pair. ******* leave or tell her to get the **** out.
The mom says to their kids see kids this is what a bitch looks like * punches him in the face* ahahahahahaha
Dude. Eff those people.
Thank God that people are so supportive of OP, abuse is abuse regardless of gender. It's so upsetting to see people giving him shit, in both real life and online *coughcough#250coughcough* but I'm so glad that you have managed to get away from her WITH your kids! Good luck in your future adventures in both love and life in general, OP, keep your chin up and ignore those who try to put you down for something that isn't your fault at all. You're all better off and safer with your sisters :) hopefully everything works out for you all :)

I hate double standards. Abuse is abuse no matter what gender you are. Sorry OP :/
I hate when people think males can't be absurd