By SOTS4335 - 16/05/2015 22:16 - United States - Maumelle

Today, I went to a domestic violence counseling group. I was the only male there, and I explained that my girlfriend punches me in the face in front of my kids. Everyone started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 028
You deserved it 3 629

SOTS4335 tells us more.

OP here. Two of my sisters actually ended up beating the shit out of my now ex-girlfriend and moving me and my kids in with them. Kinda hard to defend yourself when you have muscular dystrophy and you spend most of your day in a wheelchair. But Thank GOD I'm done with that psycho-bitch. And **** those assholes at that therapy session.

Top comments

JuliaaNoelle 26

I hate double standards. Abuse is abuse no matter what gender you are. Sorry OP :/

I hate when people think males can't be absurd


To add, your girlfriend should get help if she punched you in front of your kids.

Wow, usually I come to FML to laugh, but this is not even funny. Why would anyone laugh at him for this? It is STILL abuse regardless of the gender of either person in the couple. I'm really sorry, OP. :(

How was this funny? And how did he deserve it? Men get abused just like women, it's just not as common.

you can thank feminists for that kind of reaction

MzZombicidal 36

Oh, shut up. A true feminist wouldn't find it funny that a man was made to be lesser than a woman. Feminism is about the equality of the sexes, not condemning one or the other for anything, especially not for being abused.

Actually, this problem comes from living in a world with a machist type of thinking. A world where a man can't admit to being beaten/hurt/abused by a woman without being judged by both men and women (because it is assumed that means he has no masculinity). Other men's (and women's) reaction is usually something along the lines of "be a man!". Feminism tries to fight against this way of thinking.

Smh anti-feminist don't even know what they're talking about, try learning about the topic first before you bash it ffs

So sorry to hear that OP :( hope everything is on the up and up now!


I agree this is ridiculous my brother in middle school who is 6' and 245lbs was attached by this psycho girl, like crazy arm wailing on him, one morning. my brother who was a wrestler just pinned her to the ground and kept telling her to calm down. she freaked out more and when he let her go she ran and told on him saying he put his hands on her and got on top of her, in a sexual way. they wanted to suspend him and he kept telling them what actually happened and it took me and my mom hunting down witnesses and my mom screaming at the principal for double standards before they dropped it. nothing ever happened to the girl even when others told him what happened.

MzZombicidal 36

Oh, what wonderful advice! I guess that's what we should tell anyone who ever gets abused, huh? "hey! Don't let them do that!" Wow, problem solved!

I'm so sorry, OP. That is terrible. I have no words. Even if you hadn't any sort of muscular problems, it would still be no laughing matter. Violence should never be a gender based problem - violence is violence, victims should be genderless. That support group is a joke and if there is anyway you can present a formal complaint, you should. And find another group (with decent, sane, people). Hope your life gets better and wish you all the best, you and your kids!

OP - I read your reply to this FML. I am so sorry for everything you've been going through. I am glad that someone in your family stepped up and helped you out. Good luck!

I'm gonna say fake post no support group would laugh at someone for that.