By Anonymous - 26/07/2009 17:00 - France

Today, I went to a funeral for my coworker's father. While there, my dad's cell phone rang and he left to answer it. I turned to my brother and said, "I can't believe he brought his cell phone!" He whispered, "I can't believe he's got coverage. This is a dead zone!" I laughed loudly. At a funeral. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 757
You deserved it 58 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dashiell 0

Haha, why were your brother and father at your coworker's father's funeral?


haha. that's a good one. I'd laugh too.

laxgirl29 0

haha your brother is funny as all get out! i would have laughed, just by reading this i cracked up

you could have just pretended you were wailing with grief

I feel like you should have "noticed" what the **** was going on around you. Plus - are you gay or something? That was totally not all. Oh, your brother deserves a FTW notation.

How would having a particular sense of humor correspond to a sexuality?

Seems pretty obvious to me. Gay people clearly have such bad senses of humor that they only laugh at things that aren't funny. This applies to every gay person, of course. You are so right. Oh wait, never mind. You're just an asshole.

noshitsherlock 0

Trashy people. And the French have the nerve to talk shit on Americans. Umm, right...

VooDooXII 0

Hahahahaha. Witty guy. Not too bad of an FML...I mean you're not laughing at the fact that the coworker's dead, right?

anna_bella4657 0

Dude what your brother said wasn't even funny...why would you laugh loudly about dead zones?

because...a dead zone is where you get no service...and it was a funeral..