By Anonymous - 26/07/2009 17:00 - France

Today, I went to a funeral for my coworker's father. While there, my dad's cell phone rang and he left to answer it. I turned to my brother and said, "I can't believe he brought his cell phone!" He whispered, "I can't believe he's got coverage. This is a dead zone!" I laughed loudly. At a funeral. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 757
You deserved it 58 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dashiell 0

Haha, why were your brother and father at your coworker's father's funeral?


I would say YDI, but I would have laughed too.

Layneebby 0

haha. I would have had to choke that one down. I still don't think YDI though, when something's funny, its funny you can't help but laugh

Dude, don't sweat it. I laughed my ass off at my granddad's funeral due to an old family joke that popped in my head... And also, having a witty brother like that seems like an epic win.

woahZERO 0

ahaha xD tell your brother he's funny xD

Lucy_MD 0

Oh it's okay, you and your brother got a good laugh and atleast you didnt have to feel mopy like everyone else Dead Zone, omg im using that if anyone brings a cell to one of my family funerals. or a graveyard! XD