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By luvlessbootycall - 24/07/2010 05:23 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of three months texted me saying he loves me. I excitedly started texting back, "I love you too." Before I even got done, he messaged again saying, "Can you send a pic of your tits to me now?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 777
You deserved it 6 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

should have texted back "sure baby! hold on ;)" then find a pic of hairy balls on google and send that


robtuffguy 0

FIRST Lol who gives a sh*t??? I do! Muhuhahaha!

Shookitup 0

uhm...please tell me you didn't :/ and if I was you, I would tell him to find some respect or find another girl.

ToastGurl 0

That's horrible of him, I'd break up with him for using the word love for such a perverted want.

joseph4242423 0

I love how it is just women and a gay Asian who find this to be faulty. Three months and you haven't shown your ****? Come on. By the way all you hairy ass feminists who are gonna egasm over this don't bother. I swear most women are hypocrits when it comes to their bodies. Of course when a guy whistles at a hot girl he is a pig, but the girl who wore no bra and a tight tshirt with short shorts is a vitctim of the "pig".

Trupe 3

Haha that really is hilarious. I bet he thought he made some kind of brilliant scientific breakthrough. I've been doing it all wrong! I'll tell her I love her THEN ask for a picture of her ****! It's foolproof!

catalystics 2

if u loved him enough u would send that picture before he finds another pair of **** he likes

onelove222 0

lmao really ? he wants a picture ? if he was really smooth enough he wouldn't need pictures aha he's a keeper

That_Guy_Jake_JR 0

Girls need respect? What is this new rules I have not been informed of, and who made it?! JK :) Agree with 3 OP Sexting is bad and only leads to trouble!

what a douchebag! I'm always amazed at the assholes that posters on here start dating in the first place... dump him fast OP

lol don't listen to these monkeys everybody a perv in there own way

wow it must be rare for him to tell u he loves u

twinny_sc 13

I would have been extremely pissed if the first time my boyfriend told me he loved me was through text.

don't expect to see them until they offer to show you! rushing is never good

twinny_sc 13

Thank you 66. At least someone agrees with me.

twinny_sc 13

Reminds me alot of someone, hahaha. All he wanted was my body, of course I wasnt stupid enough to fall for it, but he never gave up. It got so crazzy annoying, I just emotionally butchered him with unappealing words. Most things with a penis... just no.

956TXking 0

lol that sounds like my ex wrote this. nearly the same thing happend haha but I'm kind of a dick... so ya probably not the best thing to say to her

That guy is not smooth at all. Most likely a TOOL and a complete D-bag who doesnt know how to treat a lady. Your call OP keep him or leave. But dont expect to get much respect out of him in the future. Even less if you put out.

MissRachieee 3

Thanks for showing most of yours to us, however, MissRachieee!

ThaggleS 0

this is gunna be totally random but artsygirl has good teeth lol

you did didn't you? you're his bitch you do what he says

and you might want to clean your room missrachieee before your parents ground you and take your phone away lol

ImsoMikhail 0

2 so this is a bad time too ask for a pic of your ****? sike I'm only 14.

itsjustme13 0

#41, I very much like your ninja outfit. ;-)

MissRachieee 3

#90 I was at a my friend Andrea's house when I took that picture...

duckie227 22

well did u send him one? how dare u not

xiShawnx 0

53 is a ****** winner!!! ahah I rofl'd cuz ur comment "Make him a sammich" xD

numba 3 u can't be talkin look at ur prof pic

115. lmao not the point i was trying to make kiddo

dgaf247 0

75 - I find it hard to believe that anyone would want your body, honestly, why lie to people over the Internet? hmmm?

dgaf247 0

80 - I find it hard to believe that someone can call another person a tool when you posted a picture of yourself without a shirt in FML... that's classic tool behavior. sounds like the pot calling the kettle black huh?

gotta love how you getting it wrong was the number your post was :P i thought you were saying it as a joke til i read the next post but yeah, that guy is really way more smoother ways of doing it than that.

yeah I agree with 124. you're calling someone else a tool and a d-bag, yet here you are with a profile pic with your shirt off. hypocrite? hmmm. I also know I do not have a picture, I can't put one through my mobile but I will soon :P

I wish it wer that easy... I am writing thiz down and using it as a break up line sometime in tha future

124 and 128. Really? Come on guys. there is also a word called stereotype. Just because i have this pic doesnt automatically make me a TOOL. just like i wouldnt look at 124s pic and assume that hes a nerd that never gets laid. Stereotypes man. Lets all play nice.

Dear OP, If his mother sympathizes with you convince her to let you take a picture of her breasts, send THAT to your boyfriend, when he notices they aren't yours, suggest the possibility of a threesome, and ask if he liked them, when he's in over his head, tell him who they really belong to, that will teach him not to be such a douchebag!

go home. that is the worst joke ice ever heard you queer ****. gay picture as well

dadoctors 2

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I was gonna say you fail at life with your fail face and your failness at everything but noticed you didn't mean to be first. so you don't fail at everything! jk ;)

robtuffguy 0

Awww how could you block me???? What I did? * Goes to cry *

Or send him a picture of some birds from the family Paridae!

Haha_donkey 0

text him a picture of a goatse or something

should have texted back "sure baby! hold on ;)" then find a pic of hairy balls on google and send that

13- if she sent it she sent it she probably wouldn't have minded and this FML wouldn't exist....just a thought

14: Never underestimate the stupidity of a girl who's afraid to be single.

What's wrong with girls who are afraid to be single? Much easier to control in my opinion.