By iusedprotectionanyway - 21/03/2014 21:44 - New Zealand - Waitakere

Today, I went to a paintball match with my family and the family of my brother's girlfriend. A few minutes into, my brother's girlfriend's dad snuck up on me, unloaded into me from behind, and snarled, "That's for knocking my daughter up." He got the wrong guy. My back is killing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 234
You deserved it 3 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KVKdragon 26

Even if the dad has a problem with their consensual sex, it is not within his rights to take it out on anyone either way. That's just projecting your anger over someone else's choices simply because you disagree with it. Not cool -_-


But the username makes me feel like he didn't really get the wrong guy in a sense...

cheshireau 26
bluefrootloops 13

Does your nickname mean that you actually knocked her daughter up?

At the very least it suggest that you slept with her.

Follow-up please!! I need to find out whether this is actually FyourL or Fyourbrother'sL!!!

Somehow I'm thinking "protection" as the armor for paint balls, as if it didn't protect him well enough.