By iusedprotectionanyway - 21/03/2014 21:44 - New Zealand - Waitakere

Today, I went to a paintball match with my family and the family of my brother's girlfriend. A few minutes into, my brother's girlfriend's dad snuck up on me, unloaded into me from behind, and snarled, "That's for knocking my daughter up." He got the wrong guy. My back is killing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 234
You deserved it 3 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KVKdragon 26

Even if the dad has a problem with their consensual sex, it is not within his rights to take it out on anyone either way. That's just projecting your anger over someone else's choices simply because you disagree with it. Not cool -_-


revelation11B 10

From the name used to publish this, it sounds like OP slept with his brothers girlfriend. That being said, he deserves it. Should have been shot in his paintballs rather than the back.

Or the protection for the paintballs wasn't enough.

Bet he turned up the velocity too... ouch

callmeave 10

He 'unloaded' into you? Your ass should be sore.

flashback_fml 14

That just sounds so wrong, why on earth would you word an fml that way.

Or maybe he knows the truth that you and your "brother's girlfriend" have been keeping!

TcheQ 12

Lol, love the name. Also it helps when you don't come : P

Never forgive the asshole and don't hold back making it obvious. It was childish for him to do to your brother in the first place and he didn't even get that much right.

And never forgiving the guy while pouting every time they see each like?

I lol'd so hard. I would do the same thing to my daughters bf haha if I got the chance. Hahaha