By icantdrive - 19/03/2009 04:22 - Canada

Today, I went to a party to see my crush. He offered me a drink and I declined telling him that I don't drink because alcohol makes people act stupid and crash their cars. He then saw me back into a car parked on the street and shatter my backlights as I reversed from the driveway to go home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 283
You deserved it 73 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

happy_ness 0

haha. apparently you don't need alcohol.

#7 If you are driving, then don't drink. Obviously. However the OP was being self-righteous ("alcohol makes people stupid and crash their cars"). By all means make the choice not to drink, but when someone offers you a drink, thats all you need to say - "sorry, I don't drink". There is no need to act all high and mighty like you are somehow better for not drinking.


Wow, people on here are harsh. The OP's claim is absolutely right, alcohol DOES make people act stupidly and dangerously, not to even mention all the crap it does to one's body. She wasn't being judgemental, self-righteous, or riding atop a high horse at all--she elaborated on her beliefs in ONE SENTENCE. For all those saying that a simple "No thanks," would've been, no. It's called having a conversation. Props to him/her for being smarter than 95% of the population.

lol that makes you naturally stupid! :P

"Because alcohol makes you act stupid and run into cars". Saying that alone should warrant a FML you bimbo.

Sobriety is pointless if you're also a terrible driver.

LOL i love all the people saying she's self-righteous because she said it makes people act stupid and crash cars when it's usually a fact. yes, alcohol usually isn't bad for people when they can practice moderation, but the truth is that most teens don't usually know the cut-off line, or if they do they don't care because they want to get trashed. she may have come off a little holier-than-thou but at least she's trying to do something good for herself.

I love the people that are saying not to make generalizations about everyone that drinks, and yet there are at least 5 people that posted "you're a girl, you can't drive!" Way to practice what you preach. I'd be willing to bet there are more accidents/deaths associated with drunk driving than there are from women drivers. @OP: I don't drink either, and the way you said that was a little arrogant perhaps, but I commend you on your choice. DUI is never a good plan. And yes, I know there are people out there that know their limit and can manage it but there are those that figure "only one more" and there is where all the problems start.

bexox 0

Wow... those jokes about women in cars are so funny. Oh, let me just get back to listening to Elvis and doing other 1950s things!

I agree on your viewpoint of alcohol. And car accidents- even fender benders- completely suck. But it sucks worse that he had to witness that. Honestly, sounds like you shouldn't waste your time on that kid.

WartSnack 0

I am totally amazed by the amount of retarded tight-wads who like to comment here. *palmface* Some of you need to get a sense of humor. That being said, to all those of you saying "You shouldn't assume everyone who drinks is stupid", you are OBVIOUSLY drinkers yourselves. Only someone who has made the decision not to drink knows how annoying it is to have people constantly ask you "HEY HOW COME U DONT DRINK??!?!?" It's never enough to tell these morons that you've simply made that choice for yourself, because they always want to know why, like you're some sort of weirdo. A comedian who's name escapes me at the moment did a sketch about this very topic-- whenever you tell people you're not a drinker they can never let it be, they always want to know WHY. It's like, if you told someone you didn't like peanuts or something, they're never like "OMG WHY NOT?", but with drinking, people always think you have to have some strange reason for not wanting to do it. What I'm getting at is, as a non-drinker myself, I can understand why the OP stated it the way she did. I know I for one am tired of always answering the "why?" question, so right off the bat I don't mess around. If someone asks me, I'm totally honest- "I think drinking is stupid and I don't do it because it's not worth it and it can turn otherwise tolerable people into complete tools." And, let's be honest here, that's the truth. Very few people, especially at the "partying" age know how to drink in moderation. And it's been proven that it's not good for your body overall. And to the person who said 'if you don't drink, don't party', quit being an ass. People have to have social lives and should not be exiled for making different life choices!

Two thumbs WAY the hell up! Pretty much how I feel about the subject.