By Anonymous - 01/09/2009 15:09 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonomous - 26/01/2015 15:48 - Canada - Whitby
By Anonymous - 02/01/2015 22:14 - United States - Baltimore
By Anonymous - 18/08/2016 20:44 - United States - High Point
By Chedder - 26/06/2009 23:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/01/2017 02:00
By thekriss - 23/08/2012 20:28 - France - Paris
By Steven - 14/07/2023 16:00
Party hard
By vcarder - 04/10/2013 20:25 - United States - Newton
By prettyinpurple - 10/02/2009 04:54 - United States
By Badday - 25/10/2009 04:38 - Canada
Top comments
you fail for trying to drink and drive
I've driven so drunk before that I didn't remember where I parked the next day. It's not like it impairs your abilities so much that you can't function. Actually, texting reduces your reaction speed by 35% and drinking only reduces it by 12% so it was the texting that caused him to rear-end her. Not the drinks.
Everyone insists they're a fine driver drunk until they ******* KILL SOMEONE. God how stupid can you get??? Hopefully you will die before you kill anyone else.
No you're retarded. All people react differently to alcohol, impairments range between 10% to 40%. And that doesn't count how many drinks, the speed you drank, the strength, and whether you ate or not, so throw your statistics out, they're useless. _______________________________
Statistics are bullshit in this regard, I guarantee you it did not consider variables. They only have meaning when there's a group, because you find the mean, otherwise on an individual basis the variables are too great. That's what I'm saying. Anyway you are right that he implies the texting ****** him up. But if you drove so drunk you forgot where you parked, wouldn't you say that impaired your abilities a shit ton more than texting? ___________________________
I do drink, a little too much on the weekends usually lol, but you have to admit that getting hammered can make you far more likely to cause an accident than texting. I don't know what level your statistic respondents had their content at, but I guarantee you a .24 is enough to completely impair behind the wheel. Maybe if you ever blacked out and woke up somewhere confused as hell and only remembering the very beginning of the night you might understand. _______________________
Wow you don't even respond to the entire post. Way to snipe at an argument. Good Job! And no shit I know they were over the limit, if you read I said .24, which is 3x the legal limit and a norm in certain states that have chronic DUI problems. ________________________
No. Haha, no. No no no no. No. =) I agree texting while driving is ******* stupid but saying it's fine to drive drunk and that it doesn't impair you, no. It's untrue. It doesn't matter if you think you're a good driver or think it's fine. It's not.
Who are all the idiots who think it's perfectly safe to text and drive, drink and drive, or the combination of these? I hope we're never driving within proximity of one another.
first off i'm not sure when this FML was sent in but as i currently live in Missouri I know for a fact that driving while operating any electronic devise is illegal as for you "Unregistered" next time you want to argue with someone make sure you don't base your arguement on an assumption. i didn't see any of these people say "i've never drank a drop in my life but i'm going to judge anyway". seriously? how do you know some of these people haven't gotten completely wasted and killed someone else? i mean if you are allowed to assume they have never dranken a drop in there lives shouldn't i be able to assume maybe they've killed or i don't know.. a bunch of kids? and before you comment (like i know you will) i have gotten hammered before and i've been driving for years so don't even start. and tyhillman to say that drinking doesn't do shit to your driving is probably one of the least intelligent things i've ever heard(or read i suppose). just slightly below this unregistered guy. how you can claim to drive so drunk that you don't even remember where you parked and then go on to say that drinking has no affect on your judgement is retarded. especially if your defense for said arguement is that its a short term memory loss, well clearly if the alcohol in your system is able to act as a depressant enough that the next morning you have no recollection of where you parked is it not at least plausable that... i don't know... maybe it would have an affect on your brain and thus you wouldn't be driving right? and before you throw your statistics again understand that for looking at a large group of people those statistics are great but for individuals they don't mean a thing.. i mean if 60% of people were lets say immune to the common cold that clearly means i am right because a majority of people are immune? not necessarily while it would be true that if someone was to guess if i were immune it would be the wise choice but as an individual i either am or am not. and even if your statistics showed that all those people could drive fine while drunk. the fact that alcohol can make you have " short term memory loss" implies that you could not be one of the people that are realatively unaffected by alcohol
Karl has a point, and I'm glad he saw my side on a few of the issues. 2 Points! lol ____________________________________
listen man, my brother was killed by a drunk driver, so if you think its ok to drive drunk, maybe you should think about the lives you may hurt in the process, its never the one who deserves it that gets hurt.
stupidest comeback ever. go back to school
You're an idiot for not only drinking and driving but trying to text too!! I hope she left you there!!!
I'd just like to point out that the OP never said he was drinking. He only admitted to being at a bar and paying for drinks that the girl later consumed. HE was texting and driving. SHE was doing both. That is all.
and that is why texting and driving is a bad idea
people like OP and this girl really piss me off
YDI for texting while driving.
You rear-ended her??? Sounds like a good night for you! Props, buddy.
Damn, you stole my comment
I thought about mentioning the "HEAD back to her place" bit, but that was just easier.
#41, did you come up with that all on your own? You're absolutely brilliant. Your mother must be so proud.
you guys are being too anal =)
Hahaha. #69, FTW.
almost stole my comment - "well you were probably planning to rear end her anyways!"
lmaoo... YDI for drinking, following a *****, and for texting while driving!!
Ok so not only do you drink and then drive. But then you start texting too?
YDI for using your phone in the car.
ughh I knew I would see these things eventually. but yea you shouldn of tried texting her, ughh so many wrong here, you guys were both drunk shouldnt of been driving. should have just boned in the car
Texting while driving is smart.

you fail for trying to drink and drive
Ok so not only do you drink and then drive. But then you start texting too?