By icantdrive - 19/03/2009 04:22 - Canada

Today, I went to a party to see my crush. He offered me a drink and I declined telling him that I don't drink because alcohol makes people act stupid and crash their cars. He then saw me back into a car parked on the street and shatter my backlights as I reversed from the driveway to go home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 283
You deserved it 73 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

happy_ness 0

haha. apparently you don't need alcohol.

#7 If you are driving, then don't drink. Obviously. However the OP was being self-righteous ("alcohol makes people stupid and crash their cars"). By all means make the choice not to drink, but when someone offers you a drink, thats all you need to say - "sorry, I don't drink". There is no need to act all high and mighty like you are somehow better for not drinking.


Im with SimplySmile (#34). You sound pretentious and judgemental. There is nothing wrong with not drinking but don't belittle people that do... There are a lot of people that can drink and drink responsibly. Mostly OVER the age of 21-23. Responsible drinkers don't drive while durnk and know their limits (i.e. they don't binge drink). Its fine that you chose a straight edge life style (such a euphamism...sigh)... but don't berate or judge other people for making different choices than you

lolyouareanidiot 0

Why shouldn't we judge people for making stupid decisions? I mean, when someone gets drunk and is rolling around like an idiot, they deserve to be laughed at and looked down on.

earwig12 1

Agreed with #2 - Friends don't let friends drive female. It's simply not responsible.

rachel42 0

If you can't even drive sober, enjoy the drink! Also, if you don't drink, why go to the party? Tell your crush you don't approve parties in general

lol nice going it was good of you not to drink but.. too bad you made yourself look like an idiot trying to impress him with that "alcohol makes people act stupid and crash their cars" line lol are you sure you didn't have anything to drink that night?

Kyothine 0

"Alcohol makes people stupid I'm above the influence DUR HUR HUUURR"

lpblue 0

Yeah, I'm 19, and I drink responsibly. I know my limit and don't push it. It's possible to drink and not act like an asshole. You deserve it for being such a jerk. And just by btw, when your crush is drinking and you pretty much call him an idiot for it, he's probably not going to reciprocate your feelings.

Sakeyaki 0

SOMEONE can't drive, either way!

okay so to everyone who's making assumptions about women drivers--don't. yes, yes, i know, you think all women suck at driving and we should be taken off the road. but i know a lot of guys who do stupid things on the road, and i know a lot of women who don't. so its not necessarily gender related. this person however, definitely does not need alcohol added to her already poor driving skills lol.

funkycloud7137 0

He must think you're an alcoholic lol. Btw statistically women get in more accidents per hour on the road than men do to all those looking for facts to back up the stereotype.