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By boom - 17/03/2011 21:26 - United States

Today, my crush gave me a ride home. When I opened the door to get out, he switched the gear to reverse, thinking the car was in park. I got run over by the car door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 150
You deserved it 3 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

holymolybro 0
teddybear334 4

Or...........Today I finally got up the courage to ask the girl I've had a crush on for years if she needed a ride. When I dropped her back off at her house, I accidentally hit her with my car door. FML.


TayonaC 10

"Today, I tried to back my car over this annoying chick that likes me... she survived. FML."

If he thought it was in park, then he would have realized it wasn't when he let his foot off the brake. The end result would have been him immediately putting it back in park and not running OP over. Theory: This was done purposefully, in an attempt to end OP's life! Why? Because, SHE stole the cookie from the cookie jar!! Sorry, OP, you're in danger! RUN!!

67 LOL! 74 she looks better than Ke$ha.

holymolybro 0
bazingaman10 0
TayonaC 10

haha right? and dude u might get some crap because of your picture :/

holymolybro 0

I really don't care. It's the Internet, if people get butt-hurt over this picture I feel sorry for them.

8 LOL, that seriously has to be the most epic picture ever. **** feelings at this point, cuz that deserves a nobel price. Common sense and morale shouldn't stand in the way of most people's amusement. End of discussion.

holymolybro 0

The "Envy" one or the "Dishes" one? Either way, thanks. They're pretty edging hilarious.

persianjr1 7

what's wrong with 4's pic ? I'm serious. idgi

TayonaC 10

they had a different one up with some girl getting hit and it asking why she wasn't in the kitchen... something like that

That was 2. and it was saying do the dishes NOW

JayBear14 11

It could be worse. It could have been the tire. The again it all really depends on his reaction. Did he laugh or apologize immensley?

music_is_love51 0

Wait...what? The door ran you over...?

Thabb 0

10 no, actually an unmentioned whale flew from the ocean and flopped right on top of OP.

vip3r20 8

omg 49 that was the best response ever

teddybear334 4

Or...........Today I finally got up the courage to ask the girl I've had a crush on for years if she needed a ride. When I dropped her back off at her house, I accidentally hit her with my car door. FML.

testthecoal 5

Hope her crush isn't into that shit

Hope you weren't sCARred too bad! This could be an aDOORable memory to share with him.(:

lmaoo!!!!(:(: lol I like your picture!!(:

40 well it says on his profile he likes babies..

ThatGuyWhoCamps9 0

25. You look like you're 11. He's probably like 20.

Actually, he is sixteen/seventeen. Yes I'm a creeper :)

haha I can say I like his picture with out wanting that crap... and I'm 14...lmao