By rangerluke - 25/02/2016 15:52 - United States

Today, I went to an indoor trampoline park. This would usually be fun, except that I got there, broke my ankle, and left in an ambulance, all before my friends even arrived. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 839
You deserved it 2 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you managed all that before your friends even arrived? I hope they weren't too envious of your efficiency!


OptimusSlime 23

That sucks :/ hope everything heals fine and that your friends understnad

CheekyRaccoon 27

Nope, she was wearing moon shoes for the extra bounce.

One time at gymnastics practice I sprained my right ankle, and I still managed to make it to practice next week even tho I was in a lot of pain. My coach still made me tumble and I ended up also spraining my left ankle. Lol sorry Op hope your ankle heals soon!

#4 Seems like the type of person who somehow manages to make every conversation about themselves. #4 Comes across as a narcissist. #4 Will get down voted. Don't be number 4.

Because I made a comment about a smilie bad situation happening to me lol okay.

It's a joke #4, don't take it so seriously lol

I went to a place like this. I fell and thought I twisted my ankle, so my friend tried to help me up and stepped on my foot. He started laughing so hard he dropped me. What I thought was a twisted ankle was a torn deltoid. Long story short, an air cast, or in your case, a boot, is going to be your best friend. They really work better than you'd think.

Wow, you managed all that before your friends even arrived? I hope they weren't too envious of your efficiency!

You said it's usually fun, you probably meant you aren't always this clumsy. Well, in that case, you couldn't have guessed you'd end up with a sprained ankle, so FYL OP. Get well soon!

GabbyPLluch88 13

well, by wishing you luck, then, "break a leg buddy"!!!

I'm sure your friends will jump to all kinds of conclusions.

It ain't fun until someone breaks a leg