By 1thapp3ns - 10/01/2010 04:29 - United States

Today, I went to dinner with my mom and her new boyfriend. At the restaurant, while we were eating, he started clapping and singing, "If You're Happy and You Know It." My mom joined in. They sang loudly. Loud enough for the entire restaurant to go quiet and stare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 045
You deserved it 3 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Aw! That's not bad! You should have posted it on MLIA! :P

that's soo funny! you should have put that on MLIA!!!

terriibabiiix23 0

note to self : NEVER go out to dinner with my mom && her boyfriend ever again

How long has it been since your mom's boyfriend introduced her to drugs?

sparxva 12

i think this belongs at MLIA where it would be seen as awesome.

You should have waited for them to finish and then sung it yourself at 1/4 the speed taking care to add as much menace to the hand clap as possible...

CaptainBlake 0

You had possession of a fork and a knife. Next time, use them.

PenceyXD 0