By 1thapp3ns - 10/01/2010 04:29 - United States

Today, I went to dinner with my mom and her new boyfriend. At the restaurant, while we were eating, he started clapping and singing, "If You're Happy and You Know It." My mom joined in. They sang loudly. Loud enough for the entire restaurant to go quiet and stare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 045
You deserved it 3 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments


namhowell 6

Maybe I'm too old for this site. I agree this is a little embarassing but it's not a FML. Unless, of course, you're still in middle or high school and still care what people think.

They are right to do that, i don't care about the people around me, is not like it's gonna kill you girl, just have fun in your life, didn't we all do something like that????

It's true, OP, the quiet judgment of strangers is infinitely more important than your mother finding happiness with a good-hearted man who doesn't take himself too seriously and is confident enough to not care what anyone else thinks. **** your life, indeed. Frankly, I don't see any way out of this besides suicide. No one would blame you, the pain is just too immense for anyone to deal with.

Dude its fml not a suicide hotline, you would be more than embarrassed yourself.

FYL, your moms new boyfriend sounds like a real winner.

muffinsareyummy 1

just because your mother is a wacko does not mean your life is ******.

I waz der!!!! I iz ur momyz boy firnedz? CLAP YOU DAMN HANDS!!

wtsc 0

YDI for sittingthere while they sang it and long enough for the entire restaurant to stare.

allieiscute 0