By 1thapp3ns - 10/01/2010 04:29 - United States

Today, I went to dinner with my mom and her new boyfriend. At the restaurant, while we were eating, he started clapping and singing, "If You're Happy and You Know It." My mom joined in. They sang loudly. Loud enough for the entire restaurant to go quiet and stare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 045
You deserved it 3 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments


My Dad will put a napkin made hat on his head and cover one eye and talk like a pirate.. occasionally he'll make fart noises or if he feels like it, he'll poke eye holes in a napkin and drape it on his head. Be thankful thats all they are doing is singing.

GeorgeBoosh 0

It is the duty of all caring parents to take every opportunity to embarrass their kids!

Her_Majesty 0

Yes, but your dad didn't start dancing to disco and impersonating George Harrison in the waiting room.

I hate that song, but it's not going to ruin my day. This is more of a WTF were my parents thinking instead of an fml.

why didn't you just excuse yourself to the bathroom? problem avoided.

Reynard12 0

So... You're annoyed that you're mother is happy, has found someone who gets her and is completely on her wavelength because... you don't like it?

no, cause it was in public. jeez. the embarrassment factor is what makes this an FML... even though it's not really that bad.

aeslehc_ 0

that was embarrassing, but in no way a reason to think your life is ******.