By ElectroSpecter - 23/02/2019 14:00

Today, I went to get a haircut. I have a pretty bad case of dandruff, so whenever I get one, a lot of it shows. My hairstylist called to her nearby friend twice, then looked at my hair and said, "Blech" under her breath. I got glares when I walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 111
You deserved it 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

Step 1: switch shampoo brands. Step 2: find a new stylist to go to. Those people were just plain rude!

As hairstylists, I'm sure they see people with dandruff all the time, so the reaction that they had was completely uncalled for as "professionals" who work with hair on a regular basis. Find a new hairstylist.


that's okay, just never get a haircut instead of addressing your dandruff, that's the mature way of handling life!

Tea tree oil and olive oil are wonderful for fighting dandruff! The hair problems can be helped, the bitchiness can't.

edwardcullenisme 6

That’s ******* rude. It shouldn’t matter! Go to a different hairdresser.

Good god. Do something about it. That's just gross. ydi