By TT - 19/04/2009 20:48 - United States

Today, I went to get some teeth pulled. I had Novocaine in my gums and lip so I couldn't feel a thing. When the doctor is pulling out the last tooth, he sneezes and pulls the tooth out. He looks in my mouth and I hear, "Oh, shit..." I now have stitches in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 723
You deserved it 2 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

:s I hope the shit from his sneeze didn't go in ur cut :S:S


Regardless of the validity of this FML, I have a serious fear of dentists. In general, they're not pleasant people either.

matvx 5

Hey I'm a dentist! Well you're right im an asshole

Kareohlynah 0

I'd file a report. That sucks.

i think you would have had stitches anyways... i did when i got my teeth pulled, they have to seal up the cavity so you don't get dry socket. i think you over reacted.

blankslate 0

I'm going to start counting all the FML's that have any of the "proceed, proceeded, proceeding" in them.

#10 is right, you get stitches no matter what when you get teeth pulled....

Kickinchicken213 3

what cracks me up is that there are people on this site that think you deserve this.

Ender_ 0

Don't be sue happy unless there is real damage done.