By fernie vazquez - 10/06/2012 09:16 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I went to meet my girlfriend's parents at her sister's play. The moment I introduced myself, I realized that her father was my probation officer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 372
You deserved it 20 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stuner56 22

Have fun with that. Just don't do anything bad & show him you have changed

This is a perfect example of an oh shit moment.


At least he'll know exactly what u are up to....? :-/

"Have your girlfriend wrapped around your finger" - sexual references should be avoided man. It's sick.

noisebox 1

I say you've been busted ( again)

Oh shit! Does your gf know you're on probation for what ever you did?

Turn your life around, and he won't be your probation officer anymore but your father in law.

avzant1223 0
Takainthemachine 0

And this is my dad(FORREAL)...we've met put your hands behind your head but y sir your out of your area honey I'm sorry o think we might have to break up

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaa that is freaking awesome hahahahahaha