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By Yup - 13/06/2010 07:48 - United States

Today, I went to my boyfriend's mom's house for the first time. They had a cook-out so I got to meet his whole entire family. I went into the kitchen to find a huge picture of his ex-girlfriend on his mom's fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 172
You deserved it 3 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your boyfriends mom liked his previous girlfriend, she hadn't met you yet. Just be cool and soon you'll be hanging there :)

Try not to let it bother you, and don't say anything about it. Hopefully they'll like you enough eventually to replace her picture with yours. If it's still there months from now though, you'll probably have to "accidentally" tear it off. haha


Don't mention it ;) it'll only cause bother ^^ be weary...

could have been worse. could have been on his own wall.

6 is right. but I wonder why she's still there...I would have definately taken down any pics of my ex...not to hide from my bf, but because I wouldn't wanna see my ex everytime I open the fridge

Wow OP, that sucks. Maybe have a quiet discussion about it and hope he takes it down, if not then kick him to the curb.

she should mention it, it obviosly bothers her if she is posting it on fml,  but op ask your boyfriend why it still might be up, don't ask his mother and start a bad relationship with her. Good luck!

jrkarikas 0

mabye she is still in his life... you being cheated on!

Samantha_baby 0

how long have they been broken up?

iSitt 0

his mom is going to poison you. next time your bf breaks up with you by text it might be his mom borrowing his phone.

jocelyng_fml 0

I think the situation was that his mom likes his ex alot and he doesn't live with his mom

jocelyng_fml 0

You should have sex with his ex and ask him how he feels (:

Felendris 0

How do you know it was his ex-girlfriend.

Felendris 0

Oops, that was supposed to be a question mark.

LOL! @35 :D what you did there - i see it. :D

Haha #35 is awesome. That was great.

bubblzz 4

i find it funny and strange that the same people who weren't bothered by the abusive "teabagging" fml are feeling so bad the op's not so shocking problem? how is the fact that some1's bf keeps a picture of his ex on the fridge worse or more pityworthy than a poor girl who's bf sat naked on her face and slaped her with his penis?? someone please enlighten me??

58, the teabagging FML wasn't "abusive" in that, nowadays, a large majority of couples jokingly do this to each other. I would find it hilarious if my bf did (and he has done) this to me, though I'd still think "sigh... FML" because I was being... erm, 'conquered', for a lack of a better word. :P It's almost like creating an inside-joke. A similar principle. It's something within the relationship, involving the two people who care about each other :) Conversely, in this one, the bf is humiliating her 'stance' in the relationship by keeping a photo of someone else, someone outside their relationship. And outside the OP's knowledge. Something that could potentially ruin the relationship. If this makes sense. But also, it's probably the mum keeping the photo, not the bf; from the FML, it seems like the bf doesn't live there anymore and has no control over how the mum decorates the fridge. /long explanation

allyrox 0

I guess your not as pretty as his ex... simple as that

42 I like your picture. and op you should wait till you're alone with your boyfriend then ask about it. maybe he has a good excuse.

i thought it said ****-out instead of cook-out at first

it happens. sometimes moms take a while longer to let go.

that's so true.. my mom still won't let go of my first ex... that was 5years ago....:/

countryrose92 23

Me too!! She still thinks I should marry the guy. We broke up 5 years ago and I'm engaged now, she still isn't over him. Buys him presents every Christmas.

jason2468 0

ask him to take it down if he says no dump his sorry ass!

Try not to let it bother you, and don't say anything about it. Hopefully they'll like you enough eventually to replace her picture with yours. If it's still there months from now though, you'll probably have to "accidentally" tear it off. haha

So your boyfriends mom liked his previous girlfriend, she hadn't met you yet. Just be cool and soon you'll be hanging there :)

I agree completely. Better to be classy about it than to look like a whiner.

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

wow how long y'all been dating? mayb he not so fully over his x

You should have blackend a tooth in the picture with a sharpie.

no, she should of drawn a penis on her cheek

That is especially funny when you read your name as part of the comment.

my bf and I were together for 7 yrs and I am still welcome at his parents home. I always make sure he's not there so he's not uncomfortable. you can't take away 7 years of being treated like family.

Samantha_baby 0

#33, it's not weird at all. She's not with her ex anymore, but that doesn't mean she can't be friends with his family. You'll understand when you grow up.

since my comment didn't post I'll try again.... @33 I agree that is weird. I wouldn't date anyone who is still hanging out with their ex's family.

It's called maturity. You'll understand one day.