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By anon - 16/03/2015 04:10 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, I met my boyfriend's parents for the first time. I thought everything went well, until I got a text from him later saying, "Come on mom, she isn't THAT bad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 765
You deserved it 2 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Send a text back saying "I know Dad, but he's my boyfriend - even if he is an ass"

He was probably just messing with you. But if not, that doesn't sound too good


so, maybe you want to talk about that comment with him. good luck.

at least he is somewhat defending her, instead of just letting his parents say what they want

true, but when you capitalize something in a certain context, it's usually not a good sign.

He was probably just messing with you. But if not, that doesn't sound too good

jentrynicole 20

He doesn't seem like THAT great of a boyfriend.

Why? He was defending her to his mother.

rachelfromtarget 14

#4 I agree. If my boyfriends mom were to say something negative about me I would want a greater defense then that. Even a simple, "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" would be better.

jentrynicole 20

I just feel that if my boyfriend were to defend me I wouldn't want him to basically say, "She's not the best, but she's not bad."

"Come on gf, she isn't that much oh a bitch"

Send a text back saying "I know Dad, but he's my boyfriend - even if he is an ass"

You do realize OP's boyfriend was standing up (kind of) for OP? Not a very good reason to call him an ass to me.

While I agree somewhat that he was backing her, my comment is more geared towards the implication that she's problematic through the boyfriend suggesting that she isn't "that" bad. I think was rude and ass-like of him.

But remember - that was supposed to be a text from him to his mother with nobody else involved. It would be different if he said it out loud at a family dinner.

I suggest you not listen to this petty asshole.

Why is it that people often open the wrong conversation when talking to someone?

Yeah ikr. I mean what are the actual chances that you're texting someone and then "accidentally" start typing to the wrong person. I think OP's boyfriend was just messing with her. That's actually the type of thing I'd do.

No offense but. . .I don't understand what you just said.

Ikr how hard is it to click the persons name that you want to talk to.

No offense but, I think you might be stupid.

shiffizzle 13

That's one of the worst wrong texts you could accidentally send

rachelfromtarget 14

I feel like if you are being shady and discussing people through text you should be extra careful to check who it's being sent to. Or just save conversations like that for in person.

uglyheadedbitch 20

Don't let her faze you just because she's probably a prick

Now you know his mom has issues. And that he stands up for you. Use that to make your relationship stronger :)