By Anonymous - 04/09/2012 04:03 - United States

Today, I went to my favorite bar after work for a drink. On my way to the porch out back, I didn't realize the sliding glass door was shut, and walked straight into it. I was stone cold sober, but the bartender refused to believe me, and cut me off before my first beer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 473
You deserved it 4 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Wow. I guess the Windex cleaner does make people walk into clear doors.

Well, maybe you were just never supposed to drink today...


acetheone 8

it's a sign op, stay away from fyl

I've fallen up a set of stairs. I was sober and at work. I feel your pain.

captainburke 5

That's embarrassing but fuckit go to another bar

Eternal94 10

After reading this, it remain me this happened to me on my first day in US.....

loserboii 11

That is possible sober! Those things are so damn clear

They should put stickers on the glass so people won't run into it, or stop cleaning it.

Sharkiestd101 7

haha that happens to everyone. Sucky bartender.

That's ok now take them to court. It's negligence on their behalf and if you weren't sober that is a likely accident which could have been severe if drunk.


Im starting to think sliding glass doors were a bad invention. This is based on how many people keep walking into them.