By Jusawkward - 01/10/2009 07:07 - United States

Today, I went to my former high school's homecoming game. A classmate who I always had a crush on looks up and goes "Brian!", holding her arms out for a hug. I hug her and she seems a bit suprised but hugs back anyway. I get up and see another Brian from our class behind me. Shame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 668
You deserved it 4 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lifeislife_fml 0

Aw, embarrassing. But at least she didn't point out your mistake.

Aww hun :) But atleast she didn't slap you or anything!She obviousily liked it :D


At least she didn't freak out and still awkwardly hugged you. But I hate things like that so I'm sorry.

At lease she hugged u back and didn't totally push u off.

Gruffy 0

that sucks, dude, but's not like she pushed you off or anything. hope ya got a good feel of her off the mistake hug, otherwise...FYL

birds_fml 7

Why do you say that? For all you know, they may have graduated last year. It's not weird to go to homecoming the year after you graduated. Actually, it's not weird to go to it 20 years later, if you still live in town, especially if it's a very small town. It's something to do, and a chance to catch up with people you know.

Astronomical 0

Should have felt her up during the hug. Get what you can while you can.

least she hugged back after she reconized you she probably remembered she had a crush on you to

awkward when the real brian shoves you out of the way. LOL ahaha. but hilarious, id just laugh and say haha my names brian too. tz it.

Uncommon names ftw. I'm glad I don't have to deal with things like this (: