By Jusawkward - 01/10/2009 07:07 - United States

Today, I went to my former high school's homecoming game. A classmate who I always had a crush on looks up and goes "Brian!", holding her arms out for a hug. I hug her and she seems a bit suprised but hugs back anyway. I get up and see another Brian from our class behind me. Shame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 667
You deserved it 4 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lifeislife_fml 0

Aw, embarrassing. But at least she didn't point out your mistake.

Aww hun :) But atleast she didn't slap you or anything!She obviousily liked it :D


lifeislife_fml 0

Aw, embarrassing. But at least she didn't point out your mistake.

CaptaiNiLL 0

I hate those like u think they r wavin at u but they r wavin at the person behind u

DarkWaffle 0

I'm always the person that waves back, but when I see that it wasn't for me, I end up pretending I was just fixing my hair...

Razzle_McDazzle 0

Do you want me to be proud of you?

moonjuju5250 0

More embarassing for her. Not very quick on her toes... but at least she was kind about it.

Aww hun :) But atleast she didn't slap you or anything!She obviousily liked it :D

OP wasn't really rejected the hug just wasn't for him...

that sucks delta? as in d? as in... okay, I got it. haha. I had to type it out to understand what you meant.

At least you got the hug reciprocated. Did you try to cop a feel too?

Be glad your name's not plexico! I never get any mistaken identity hugs!

Wait, aren't hugs a good thing? Oh hey, Plaxico! *Hugs* You impostor!!! >:(

I hugged what I thought were Plexico... It was Mexico and now I'm sick by the drinking water :(

Hugs are great! It's good to get the ones you deserve, but it's also nice to get a few extra from time to time because you have a common name. I guess the ones Plaxico is getting now are not too nice.

maybe you should try to sneak into some Texaco board meetings, or better yet, just drop by the Saudi royal palace, I am sure they would mistake plexico for Texaco quick enough to give you tons of hugs as well as some "kick backs" to continue to buy oil from them. Hell, they may hook you up with a harem, who gives a shit about a few hugs with your own harem.

Actually, I ought to try to sneak back onto the New York Giants just before they play the Redskins again. I'll tell them I got out early and hope they don't notice that I've shrunk about a foot, turned white and slow and have hands of stone. (It's rough in the hoosgow!) Maybe then the damned Skins can finally win a ******* game!

as long as you don't shoot your dick off next time you go out to "da club" things might actually work out for you. And I am damn surprised to hear a Texas boy give a rats ass about the Skins... I figured you were a cowboy for certain.

txgirl09 5

She did say your name so it's not really like you made a fool of yourself.