By Ugly - 22/08/2013 23:40 - United States - Jerseyville

Today, I went to my high school reunion. Someone walked up to me and said, "Wow, you look so different!" She then followed it up with, "You used to be so pretty, what happened?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 191
You deserved it 3 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxXCrissyXxX 12

There are always people at those reunions trying to feel better about themselves, so don't take it to heart. as long a you are happy with yourself, what does it matter?

Everyone is beautiful in their own way! Most people can't accept that inner beauty is more important. You can be sexy as **** on the outside, but if you're a bitch with no heart, who's really going to stick around?


Why is everyone saying I'm bringing sexy back I'm right here I never left!?

probably means shes less than happy about how shes aged herself. either way just kick her ass, she deserves it. rude bitch...

Come back with a punch in the nose.

I hope you followed with "wow, you got even bitchier!"

Apparently, your former classmate hasn't matured since high school.I am sure you are still pretty, and he or she is still a an asshole.

Things she needs some glasses to see you right...

For some people, unfortunately, a reunion is supposed to magically turn themselves and those around them back into who they were at 17. Showing up to a reunion while stubbornly insisting on remaining your proper age reflecting your life experiences instead of being exactly who you were the day of commencement was sadly more than your ex-classmate could bear.

Canureadthis 4

you should have replied "I don't know but it looks to be spreading... it got you too"

Jst4kicks 16

well girls always want the truth no?? lol im jk what a horrible thing to say