By annoyed - 23/09/2010 09:59 - United States

Today, I went to my parents' place to visit. My ex-boyfriend's photo is on the fridge, but there aren't any photos of my husband or any of our wedding photos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 370
You deserved it 2 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perhaps you should provide some photos then

h2opoloplaya 0


I guess your parents don't like your husband very much, hm?

lol my mum put a picture of my brother's ex gf on the fridge but no other pictures

twinny_sc 13

Maybe they hate your husband. Get a divorce its the only way.

you mean since the last time you visited your parents, the photo was not there and now then the photo was there on the fridge? it's clear that your parents preferred your ex bf rather than your husband unless there is others in the picture! and I don't see the reason why must yours and your husband photos be up on the fridge

lickmyjock 0

you sir,(#19), are disgusting. hideous. and nobody wants to lick your jock.

breakingakajav 0

I don't get how this is a 'fml' your life isn't altered by a picture of an ex. Now if they sat you down with you husband and your ex and said: your ex is a better choice for you, then at that point I'd say "ouch fyl and your husbands'" but sorry

It sounds like they're trying to send you a not-so-subtle message: they liked him better than your husband. I'd take the photo down and dispose of it-- that should send them an equally as subtle message.

sourgirl101 28

Don't look too hard into it. They're just too lazy to take it down. Do it for them and replace them with your new family.

Zx6r 7

lazy lazy lazy!! quit complaining and take them down, YDI