By killer - 16/05/2009 12:21 - Latvia

Today, I went to see a fortune teller. She said one of my closest friends will die soon because of me. Frightened I hurried home to avoid meeting anyone I know. At home I found my goldfish floating on its back. Apparently I forgot to feed my closest friend for the past 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 796
You deserved it 60 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fortune tellers are full of BS. & you're just a neglectful goldfish owner. (:

A fish doesn't die if it isn't fed for three days. It must have had something else wrong with it.


Actually, maybe fortune tellers AREN'T so full of shit. After all, she was right. One of your friends did die, hahaha! xD

You're a stupid ******* bitch for believing in fortune tellers. Your life is ****** because you spent a single penny trying to figure out some dumb ass ******* shit

Socrates_fml 0

of course she's going to tell u that you're gonna do something dumb like that. it's obvious that anyone dumb enough to go to and trust a fortune teller is going to be dumb enough to kill something like that.

your closest friend is a goldfish??? & that poor starving goldfish!!

foryoublue94 0
burrito_supreme 0

i lol'd. i had a betta...forgot to feed it for nearly 2 months, never noticed it was dead. lol.

whoa that fortune teller is amazing...

wowfmlife 0

The real fml is that your fish is your best friend

you are a sad, pathetic waste of air and human life. GTFO of the gene pool, NAO

You forgot to feed a living thing in your care? Idiot!