By Anonymous - 10/12/2012 22:40 - Sweden - V?ster

Today, I woke up to find my best friend lying down and unresponsive. Frightened, I tapped on the glass. He got scared and started swimming again. My best friend is a fish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 596
You deserved it 7 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not bad, alot of people consider their bestfriends to be pets C:


That's not bad, alot of people consider their bestfriends to be pets C:

but usually the pets are something that actually shows love back, like a dog or cat.

But usually it's a dog/cat/rabbit/somethingthatisn'tafish

But usually cats are the ones that actually consider us as their pets/slaves/somedumbasswhoprovidefoodandshelterandentertainmentetc

winkydog4056 16

#43_Dogs have owners, cats have staff. Enough said.

Goldfish show their love back. That quirky little wiggle they do every time you're even remotely near their tank, how they get all excited when you give them some new plants, especially when they nibble on your fingers/hands while you're cleaning their tank. My two oldest are approaching their 1year-mark, and they are some of the best friends a person can ask for. c:

When they say "money can't buy me love," the beatles forgot about pets. My dog is the only one one who loves me unconditionally, sorry for when she wrongs me, and forgives me akways. :) Pets are the greatest!

AzzieC 12

Well at Keats my best friends a dog

I would thumbs up this comment, but it's at 69, so...

I had a celestial eye goldfish (his eyes were crooked, one looked up and one looked forward) named Ed. He was my buddy, I loved that fish. But he had swim bladder problems (I imagine he had a lot of congenital problems) and I cried when I found him dead. Wasn't my best friend, but I love having a good aquarium.

I didn't know pets were lots of people's best friends. Strange. But whatever floats your boat.

As the saying goes, you can pay for the hooker, but not the experience. Money can only get you so much.

A girl in my English Lit class sat on one and the kid next to me said that its probably not smiling anymore...

mbusey 20

It's not smiling when you bite its head off.

oj101 33

I would have thought that the OP might have tapped on the bedroom window from outside, but how would he swim? It's either that OP has an infinity pool with a glass edge, which is unlikely given that it is in Sweden, or the friend is Shark Boy living in someone else's shower and she is Lava Girl! I'm pretty sure that its the latter.

A friend of mine wants to build an aquarium full of delicious fish to eat, and go fishing in it for dinner. He calls it the Snaquarium. He's a little strange.

But fish in the bowl is lucky They in for a worser fate One day when the boss get hungry Guess who's gon' be on the plate

I read this and heard it in my head sung like it is on the commercial. And added 'go0oldfish' at the end.

JocelynKaulitz 28

…fish are friends, not food.

Uh, 59, you do realize that OP meant like a goldfish, right?

With the profile picture, its all the better

Yep, this FML actually made me smile, in a good way.

memyselfandI07 1

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. :)

oj101 33

Huh? How did this FML even get approved in the first place? I would have thought that the OP might have tapped on the bedroom window from outside, but how would he be swimming around? It's either that OP has an infinity pool with a glass edge, which is unlikely given that it is in Sweden, or the friend is Shark Boy living in someone else's shower and she is his Lava Girl! I'm pretty sure that it's the latter.

amerikaninfidel 2

Nothing wrong with that. Glad he's ok OP.

Aspen_Grace33 27

As pathetic as it sounds, I was extremely upset when my pet betta, Kenny, died. A pet is a pet... sometimes they are the best listeners!

BubbleGrunge 18

We had a betta fish names Bluie in one of my classrooms. I let the children take it home on weekends until I let Carlos take it home. That sticky finger bastard killed my fish!!

jayhawkchik 4

Omg, You killed Kenny!! You bastard !

Octain 13

During one of birthday parties my parents placed my Beta, Sparky, out on the kitchen table to be seen. Unfortunately, my house had a million windows and by the end of the party Sparky was cooked. I cried for an hour...

BubbleGrunge 18

Awwww poor fishies! I think we can all agree, Betta fish rock! :( R.I.P. little guys!

LO388 7

Your best friend was sleeping!

That's what a crazy night of sea "weed" will do to you lol

You call him your best friend, yet you interrupt his nap time? OP, how could you...

Accidently thumbed down my own comment right there...

RvidxrKlvn 8