By ultraattitude - 14/06/2012 19:34 - United States

Today, I went to see my dermatologist friend for a free consultation on my terrible acne. During my visit, she said I probably won't be getting any more pimples. Excited, I asked her how she could tell. She replied, "There's no more room for it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 151
You deserved it 2 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Puberty's a bitch. But honesty is a bitch as well


Isa_fml 20

That was mean. :( I hope you can find something that helps your skin. Good luck!

jamieyolo 1

U should of got them checjed out a while ago before u let them get that bad.

At least you know that the worst is behind you. Unless you require surgery or something... I'd be happy about that.

Bit of degreaser and some windex should clear it right up

try the clear pore cleanser/mask by neutragena at target

in all honestly I'm so glad I never had acne problems

I'm almost 20 and still have all this acne on my face. It's big and red, very embarrassing. I mostly break out on my forehead and the side of my face.