
By Stepheroni - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, I went to the doctor to ask what the weird white lump was on my back, and if it was cancer. He told me it was the biggest pimple he'd ever seen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 832
You deserved it 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eashy 16

Well at least you don't have cancer

Maybe you should submit it as s Guinness world record.


Eashy 16

Well at least you don't have cancer

That's a really pessimistic way of looking at being told that you don't have cancer...

That's a really pessimistic way of looking at being told that you don't have cancer...

Maybe you should submit it as s Guinness world record.

AnthonyCS5 19

While those are great news, its still nasty as hell!

Have the doc put it on video & onto YT. There are people who love watching zits & blackheads popped.

brendejafulable 41
brendejafulable 41

Have a baker prepare cupcakes in the likeness of your zit to celebrate the fact that you do not have cancer! Apparently, when you squeeze them, French vanilla custard comes out.

onceuponatime456 16

Why would you think a white lump is cancer?