By embarrassed - 19/12/2014 19:24 - United States

Today, I went to the dry-cleaner's and went to get my bag of laundry from my trunk, but I ended up dropping the bag. My dirty underwear blew around the parking lot. I had to chase it all down as a bunch of people looked on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 555
You deserved it 3 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since when does underwear blow in the wind and why would buy underwear you have to get dry-cleaned anyway?


Lol lucky somebody didnt help u with them :p

I'm unsure why you'd have your dirty undies at the dry cleaner's lol. Pretty embarrassing though :/ FYL

tnf0920 9

who has their underwear dry cleaned..

once I accidentally dropped my clean underwear just outside the front door of my apartment neighbours while they were standing there with 4 other guests ...n trust me it's equally embarrassing.

Well, just as embarrassing yeah. :P but at least OP didn't have clean underwear blowing around and have to rewash them is what I meant.

yeah but won't you rather wash your underwear twice than to face a public embarrassment :-P

Why do you need to dry clean your underwear?

Lili_love 14

who the hell gets their underwear dry cleaned? I hope they're pure silk and woven with golden threads

Many dry cleaners (including the one that picks up from my tailor shop) also do regular laundry in addition to dry cleaning. Many people are too lazy/busy to do their own regular laundry/pressing and send it out. *shrug* Personally, I prefer washing my own undies.

at least you weren't going to sell them... unlike in some of the previous FMLs

Iwannarock1 19

why is a dry cleaner washing your panties?