By Anonymous - 15/01/2011 17:39 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store with my mom's boyfriend. We were in the bread aisle when he picked up a loaf that was in my hand, and said, "No, no, you have to FEEL the bread," and started rubbing it all over his body. He's moving in next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 046
You deserved it 3 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LightningLadyy 0

That's not how you feel the bread.. You caress it like it is a beautiful woman.


this made me think of the movie ratitouly (I know I spelt that wrong)

I don't understand this FML because it says OP went to the grocery store with her boyfriend's mom, and somehow it ends up her at a grocery store with her boyfriend..what?

montyj 4

I never knew trying to be funny was a problem

nhi1221 9

Sounds like a keeper if you ask me

Honestly, nobody can be that weird without trying to be. He was screwing with you in a (perhaps poor) attempt to be funny.

Probably just trying to show you he has a sense of humor, lol people tend to do weird things when they're nervous

I believe a restraining order is in ORDER!

lellalove_fml 23

He was probably just messing with you. Which would be pretty hilarious.