By Higgs - 02/06/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I went to the pool. When I hit the water the top of my swimsuit came off so I tried to put it on underwater. The lifeguard thought I was drowning and pulled me out in front of everyone. Topless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 149
You deserved it 6 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i suppose boobs dont make good personal floating devices

ahahahahahaha. stupid lifeguard. but maybe he was hot.....


Cerberus666 0

That sucks but I have only this to say: Bow Chica Wow Wow if the guy you were dating was there it wouldve been funnier I mean then I would have been able to say that he atleast got a partial look at the goods before he put a ring on it

SweetestSin 4

don't feel so bad, I have pretty much done the same thing except there was no lifeguard and when Icame up out of the water my whole top had come off so everyone got a glimpse of my northern states. FYL for sure

doof_fisch 2

Did it cause you to have a breast stroke?

Awwsw im srry that happened and to the percé quit asking for pics I'm a boy but ok sure as hell not a perv

What the OP didn't mention is that he's a guy.

PollySighDevil 0

I was a lifeguard for years, he must really not know what a drowning person looks like

Ouch , how big are your boob's if big I'll go out with you!

htastick 0

Must have been a lucky day for the lifeguard