By 102496 - 05/02/2010 03:53 - France

Today, I went to the store with my 4 1/2 year old daughter. When we got to the cosmetics aisle, she asked what make-up was for, I told her it was to make women prettier. My daughter then told me it was a good thing I wear make-up because I was ugly and that I might scare off my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 756
You deserved it 4 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sallybobally 0

YDI for imposing patriarchical notions of beauty to a little girl


Is no one else amazed by the fact that there is an isle of cosmetics!?!?!?! I can't be the only one! Where is this magical isle?

allyj 0

No, no one's amazed because most pharmacies have a isle for cosmetics. Where the hell do you shop?

Oh man, this just isn't as fun if you have to explain it. Aisle = the rows you walk down in a grocery store. Isle = a small island. See, not as fun anymore. GOSH!

do they have those big poofy brushes as trees? oh goody.

HAHAHA i laughed so hard at this! I'm sorry but I think that the fact that you HAD to explain it made it so much more hilarious :L

tell her that she's gonna grow up to look like that one day. gotta love genetics.

grarox 0
angel1495 0

Wow, OP... You really want your daughter to grow up thinking she needs make up to be pretty? My mom never let me near any make up until I was in middle school. And of course then it was because the "pretty girls" were wearing it so of course I just had to have it [sarcasm]... ******* patriarchal society. They make us think we need these things to be desirable by the standards THEY set, which are standards no one can meet anyway. Do your daughter a favor: don't let her get into your make up, and don't take her near the make up isle EVER again. When she grows up and asks for it because her friends are all wearing it, tell her she doesn't need it because she's prettier without it.

See, my mom always wore makeup and took forever to apply it. It had the opposite effect on me. She used to tell me that I looked like crap and needed to put some makeup on. I feel I look fine and don't need it. Do I look better with makeup applied nicely? Sure. I just prefer people to accept me looking as is....mostly because Im lazy and it means Id have to do it every day. Screw that! Also, I like my freckles and don't want to cover them!


good job, you worded that much more respectfully and eloquently than my response

hahahhahahaahhagahgahhahahhaahhahahhahhah lmfaooo suucks to be your shorty self aa four year old told you that ahahahhahhahahahhahhahahhah lmfaooo

I would be like "That's ok sweetie, everybody says you look like me." Show her..-.-

chadwick110480 0

kids are very good at telling the truth . . . even when it hurts. back in the day I had a friend who was talking about getting the gastro-band or whatever the fat people get. it had been about 6 months since we last seen her and the first thing my little brother said was " Megan your still fat!" I had to try and hold back the laugh, it was pretty freaking funny though.

it's sad that she's not going to get much smarter than she already is