By 102496 - 05/02/2010 03:53 - France

Today, I went to the store with my 4 1/2 year old daughter. When we got to the cosmetics aisle, she asked what make-up was for, I told her it was to make women prettier. My daughter then told me it was a good thing I wear make-up because I was ugly and that I might scare off my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 756
You deserved it 4 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sallybobally 0

YDI for imposing patriarchical notions of beauty to a little girl


TiniMartini 0

kids say thr darndess things lmao gotta love em

marie93uso 0

HAHAHAH I literally LOLed at this. that kid is amazing fo sho

djsmiles 0

aww lol kids are honest and say wats on thier minds..

lilybugie 0

make-up isn't to make women pretty it to make women feel better about them self. juss for next time you daughter asks;)

HemptressMedea 0

Baha! It's funny yet sad. When you're child tells you something negative about you it might as well be your spouse or parents.

victoriarose16 0

I don't know why everyone puts stories on here about the horrible things kids sometimes say. Since she's little, she's probably just repeating what she's heard someone else say. Just brush it off, I'm sure she didn't mean it. No child would be that mean on purpose.

though, makeup does not make anyone prettier, just covers up their insecurities. the prettiest face? a hapy smiling one :)

though, makeup does not make anyone prettier, just covers up their insecurities. the prettiest face? a hapy smiling one :)