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Fishing for compliments

By Brent - 14/06/2022 14:00

Today, I'm going through a long dry spell, so I asked my ex-wife and the last woman I was intimate with how they were physically attracted to me. They started listing things like financial stability, trustworthy, safe and nice to talk to. I just wanted to be called handsome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 700
You deserved it 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fishing for compliments is pathetic. Being too handsome has its disadvantages. Don't ask me how I know.

mattiagardin 15


mattiagardin 15

Fishing for compliments is pathetic. Being too handsome has its disadvantages. Don't ask me how I know.

We would all like to think we “have it all” good looks, personality, intelligence, and a career instead of just a job. And there are times when we all seem to need a compliment. However talking to an ex in hopes of a compliment is frankly kind of extra needy. There is always someone who is better at some or even all aspects of life than you or I. You have to accept the hand life has dealt you and then play your best with the cards you have. There are plenty of people who would love to be known as financially stable and “safe”. Be glad for what you have and work on improvement in the areas you aren’t happy with. Sometimes the issue we are having in attracting a potential mate is as much a matter of where we are fishing as it is what bait we are using. Accept yourself for who you are and make the best of what good attributes you have. Sometimes our style of dress isn’t optimum for our looks. Oddly enough I discovered or rediscovered through my teenage son a while back that most people, but especially young people, have “tribes” and they dress like each other to show they are members of that interest group. Look around carefully and see how those you admire dress and try to incorporate some version of that into your own personal style. Don’t try to copy someone else, no one likes that, but incorporate some of those elements into your own personal style. Obviously if there is a weight or physical fitness issue, that can be improved - Though that takes longer and is a lot more work. Are you more interested in looks of a potential girlfriend or in getting to know her? If you are focusing on looks in a woman, be aware that often the most beautiful and stylish ones are likewise looking for someone with those same traits (there are exceptions, of course). So don’t be surprised if it’s hard to live up to their standards of appearance. Really beautiful women often have all the attention they want and more so your attention is less important to them. That’s not to say you couldn’t meet and have a relationship with a beautiful, sexy woman, but be realistic about your expectations. There are times when all of us get discouraged and down on ourselves. You should probably at least Google “Am I depressed?” Depression has many forms and there are multiple treatments. In my personal experience the best treatment is counseling. Medications are quicker but they have side effects that can be a problem. There are no side effects to counseling by a qualified psychologist or counselor and the benefits are more lasting. If you need it check out what resources you have - Sometimes companies provide an independent counseling service for their employees, most health insurance has bennefits that may include a psychologist or counseling. Best wishes to you, life is long, tomorrow doesn’t have to be exactly like yesterday or today.

That's not how women are, we don't find attraction in looks. I'm sure you have kind eyes or a nice smile

leogs23 24