By CandyMachine - 16/02/2011 23:58 - United States

Today, I went to the vending machine, put in a dollar, and reached down to grab my snack. The slot door wouldn't open, so I pushed it harder. I got my hand in, but the door got stuck again, this time with my hand inside. I tried to push with my other hand. It got stuck too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 822
You deserved it 9 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwiggidy 0

when it don't fit in the slot, harder! harder!


Jester7 0

I've never read anything so stupid in my life

BoJanglesHC 0

I feel like you ate just weak as hell.

lmao hopefully you got that snickers bar

niinjablast 0

this just reminded me of a simpsons episode..... lmao

LJgirl15 0

Hahaha FAIL! Dude! Ditch the twinkie! It's not worth it! Lmao