By CandyMachine - 16/02/2011 23:58 - United States

Today, I went to the vending machine, put in a dollar, and reached down to grab my snack. The slot door wouldn't open, so I pushed it harder. I got my hand in, but the door got stuck again, this time with my hand inside. I tried to push with my other hand. It got stuck too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 822
You deserved it 9 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwiggidy 0

when it don't fit in the slot, harder! harder!


and you managed to write up this how long after tit happened? loll

The next logical step would be to push the door harder with your head... Fail.

RWould you like some lotion for your hands to fit?

With_Love929 3

Omg that reminds me of Saw xD hehehehhahaha

With_Love929 3

Omg that reminds me of Saw xD hehehehhahaha

laya_fml 26