By zboy_123 - 23/08/2009 18:33 - India

Today, I went to this meditation center which my mom suggested to get mental peace as I have been hating my job and life for some time now. I drove for an hour and then walked around in scorching Indian sun for 2 hours trying to locate the damn place. I got lost and returned home angrier than ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 527
You deserved it 7 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try doing it in your own home. Meditation or masturbation. There two of the best things to do alone

what better place to get peace of mind than your own room? xP


Wow, you hate your job and you hate your life? How horrible it must be to have to handle the stress that your average adult -and- your average emo teenager has to deal with. Get over it. Get a different job or make a friend or something. YDI for posting something so pathetic :P

YDI , just take a day off or ttwo and rest at home or do something fun.

1. Buy a "real doll" 2. Marry it 3. Insert penis 4. Repeat step 3 until satisfied 5. Be happy (Step 2 is necesarry because well, she's not just some *****)

So, if the meditation thing was fail, give it one more chance (first figure out how to get there), and if you don't like it, you will be better off relaxing to music or taking steps to change your job or things about your life you do not like. To destress, come up with solutions to your problems and the take steps to solve them.

Nice . "In scorching Indian sun" ? Wtf ? India has it's own sun or something ?

om, i'm so sorry to hear that happened to you.

YDI for being emo. You sound like a right brat. If you have problems in your life, DEAL WITH IT. work it out and be happy instead of hating and getting depressed. GOSH.

here's a solution to all your problems. quit your job(no mure hating your job). I'm sure someone is waiting to fill your position. now with all the extra time on your hands you can think about google mapping directions to that place, or maybe just calling them when you get close and asking for directions. if all else fails the best way to stop hating your job, and life, is to end it.

Haha, now THIS is what you call an FML. I feel for you man. FYL!