By zboy_123 - 23/08/2009 18:33 - India

Today, I went to this meditation center which my mom suggested to get mental peace as I have been hating my job and life for some time now. I drove for an hour and then walked around in scorching Indian sun for 2 hours trying to locate the damn place. I got lost and returned home angrier than ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 527
You deserved it 7 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try doing it in your own home. Meditation or masturbation. There two of the best things to do alone

what better place to get peace of mind than your own room? xP


You said you "WENT" there, yet you couldn't find it?

mo_the_owl 0

YDI for being whiny. this is the farthest thing from an FML.

wi_party_boy 0

Not really an FML. Had a problem - went out to fix problem - came back with the problem. I think this happens to all of us all the time. Thank god all of us don't go to FML to whine and complain about it. That's what blogs are for, and nobody reads those, so nobody's heads explode.

invisiblerabbit 0
triplethreat13 0

india and its businesses are very spread-out and often in the middle of nowhere. asking for directions wouldn't do much good here unless the OP has a very distinct sense of direction and navigation. which is highly unlikely, judging from the FML.

33, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And how can you hate working at 7 eleven... you get free slushies

you should smoke some weed and chill out . life is too short to be angry

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Snarffffffffle! Snarffffffffffle! :D 